Adey ProCheck Test Kit
You can use the APP with 25 test strips and a gradient card. The App then compares colours on the card to display a report of corrosion, inhibitor and PH levels.
The ProCheck test kit and app uses advanced technology that makes it easy for installers to show homeowners the results immediately, indicating whether further action is required or providing reassurance that the system water has been treated and the system is healthy. This also benefits the installer by reducing the need for a second visit as any quality issues that are identified can be dealt with there and then.
Whilst on site, a water sample is taken from the central heating system and a dip test is carried out using the dedicated ProCheck strips supplied with the kit. This strip is placed on a test card before being scanned to the app using the phone camera, to be analysed and verified. ADEY ProCheck has been tested and the process approved by KIWA Gastec, to specifically look at the three main areas of concern; protective inhibitor levels, corrosion, and the dangers posed by the pH level present. A report is immediately created with the results and actions required.
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